Heavy-hearted & auricular, her
etymologies spank with gristle the
lorgnette sternum of the islander,
Carabao. “Ugh,” snorts he, at the uncalled-for
jab, his kinetic masculinity undiluted.
How pleasingly shaped is this trickster,
Melancholia, her acrobatic
mammalian periodicity, her
mementoes that unwind & inveigh
suchlike disjunction, & then suture, cupped
& disorganized, a grapevine of cluck &
fleck. “Yah, my sumptuary tadpole, my
cup-bearer, my dogcart, why girder this
lying-in? Why stereotype this searing
nova with coronal beeswax?”
Photo by Kheel Center, Cornell University Library
Peter Grieco
Peter J. Grieco is a recently retired school bus driver writing poetry and composing songs in Buffalo, NY, his native city. “At the Musarium” is his series of semi-procedural verse that draws vocabulary from word frequency lists. The verse “[22101 - 22200]” uses words from the middle range of the word frequency continuum as counted at Wiktionary.org.