GLR looking for literary sketches to be featured on website

We’re looking for  literary sketches of under 1,000 words to be published on our revamped website.

Literary sketches are an old nonfiction form that we’re trying to revitalize specifically because they deal so closely with place.  Sketches should be short, under 1,000 words, and in broad strokes feature a person, place or object that reveals something about the character of the Great Lakes region.

The sketches should in some way feature your hometown, neighborhood or the place you love visiting the most.  They can also feature a character or object from that place that helps define it.

Our goal is to build a narrative map of the whole region, figuratively and literally. The website will soon include an interactive map.

Go to our Submissions page to send us your best work now.

If you have any questions, email contributing editor John Counts at