Michigan Bestseller Lists for April 2017


1) Jack Cheng, See You in the Cosmos (Dial Books for Young Readers)

2) Laurie Keller, Do Unto Otters: A Book about Manners (Square Fish Books/Macmillan)

3) Jim Harrison, A Really Big Lunch: Meditations on Food and Life from the Roving Gourmand (Grove Press)

4) Stephen Mack Jones, August Snow (Penguin Random House)

5) Daniel P. Keating, born anxious: The Lifelong Impact of Early Life Adversity—and How to Break the Cycle (St. Martin’s Press)

6) Danny Schnitzlein, The Monster Who Ate My Peas (Peachtree Publishers)

7) Dan Egan, The Death and Life of the Great Lakes (W.W. Norton & Company)

8) Ed Shankman, I Went to the Party in Kalamazoo (Commonwealth Editions)

9) Dave Coverly, Night of the Living Worms: A Speed Bump & Slingshot Misadventure (Macmillan)

10) Kath Usitalo, 100 Things to Do in the Upper Peninsula Before You Die (Reedy Press)



1) Jim Harrison, A Really Big Lunch: Meditations on Food and Life from the Roving Gourmand (Grove Press)

2) Dan Egan, The Death and Life of the Great Lakes (W.W. Norton & Company)

3) Kath Usitalo, 100 Things to Do in the Upper Peninsula Before You Die (Reedy Press)

4) Keith Taylor, The Bird-while: Poems (Wayne State University Press)

5) Louise Erdrich, LaRose: A Novel (HarperCollins Publishers)

6) Jack Driscoll, Goat Fish and the Lover’s Knot (Wayne State University Press)

7) John Smolens, Cold: A Novel (Michigan State University Press)

8) John Smolens, Wolf’s Mouth: A Novel (Michigan State University Press)

9) Steve Hamilton, The Second Life of Nick Mason (G.P. Putnam’s Sons)

10) William Kent Krueger, Ordinary Grace (Atria Books/Simon & Schuster)

The Michigan Bestseller List for March 2017 lists books about Michigan topics, written by Michigan authors, and/or published by Michigan publishers, compiled by Ron Riekki from 12 Michigan bookstores: The Book Beat in Oak Park, www.thebookbeat.com; Bookbug in Kalamazoo, www.bookbugkalamazoo.com; Dog Ears Books in Northport,www.dogearsbooks.net/; Kazoo Books in Kalamazoo, www.kazoobooks.com; Michigan News Agency in Kalamazoo, 
www.michigannews.biz/; Nicola’s Books in Ann Arbor, nicolasbooks.com; North Wind Books in Hancock, 
https://bookstore.finlandia.edu/; Saturn Booksellers in Gaylord, www.saturnbooksellers.com; and Schuler Books & Music in Grand Rapids, Lansing, and Okemos, schulerbooks.com.; and Snowbound Books in Marquette, http://www.snowboundbooks.com/.  These stores support Michigan books, authors, and publishers.